Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inaugural Tom Johnson Campfire Club Trip

We having often talked about starting a camping club for Tom Johnson Camping Center.  It is in idea to be an informal club of RV owners who like to meet and enjoy the RV lifestyle exploring different campgrounds.  Most of our trips will be used to explore the hundreds of campgrounds that are available to us in the course of a weekend but you never know where your travels will take you and someday we may do some more extensive traveling. 

RV travel enriches lives connecting families and friends to each other and nature.  So this weekend we decided to test the waters with a trip that will take us to the Tom Johnson Campground in Marion, NC and then Rutledge Lake RV Resort by Asheville, NC. 

Day 1
I am not sure who was more excited for the RV to get home, the kids or the parents.  For Nic (7) and Alex (4), it was a new adventure, a vacation to a new place in a traveling home and the first trip for the family in a couple years.  For the Tina and me, it was a return to a favorite lifestyle and an opportunity to expose the kids to something we love.  It was the kind of excitement that made me glad to be at work and not at home with the constant “Is it time to go yet? When is Dad getting home with the RV?” Of course, it then became 2 hours of non-stop excited chatter as we drove to the campground but you can learn a lot about your kids when they are chattering away like that.

Arriving at the Tom Johnson Campground in Marion, NC the sun was starting to hang low over the mountains and the contrast of the manicured lawns around the campsites was like a welcome home picture for Tina and I.  It has been 6 years since we have been out in an RV but arriving in a campground as beautiful as this is like seeing a well wrapped present that you were not expecting. You want to savor the excitement of wondering what’s inside but you also can not wait to tear it open and explore. 

Backing into our site surrounded by trees with a stream in the back we could barely contain ourselves and hooked up the RV as quick as we could.  The trees behind the site were ablaze with fireflies which triggered a firefly catching expedition.  It felt almost like being dropped into a magical place being surrounded by so many glowing objects floating around the air and was a great start to a camping weekend.  While there was still some light left we decided to go for a walk and were treated to a stunning display of the sun setting behind the mountains in a fiery display of orange, pinks and purples.  And while you would think that all that excitement and anticipation during the day would have been enough to tire everyone out, no one wanted to go to sleep on time this evening.  Maybe we all just wanted to continue to share more fun and togetherness; the kind that seems to be unique to the camping lifestyle.
Catching fireflies at the Tom Johnson Campground in Marion, NC

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